Task Status
They are displayed as rectangles in the tasks bar on the left and as pins on the map.
Unassigned: The task has not been assigned to any agent and will appear as a grey pin on the map and as grey colored text in the unassigned category on the left.
Assigned: The task has been assigned to an agent and will appear as a orange pin on the map and as orange colored text in the assigned category on the left.
Accepted/Acknowledged: The task has been accepted/acknowledged by an agent and will appear as a pink pin on the map and as pink colored text in the assigned category on the left.
Started: The task has been started and the agent is on the way. This will appear as a light-blue pin on the map and as light-blue colored text in the assigned category on the left.
InProgress: The task is being performed and the agent has reached the destination. This will appear as a dark-blue pin on the map and as dark-blue colored text in the assigned category on the left.
Successful: The task has been completed successfully and will appear as a green pin on the map and as green colored text in the completed category on the left.
Failed/Cancelled: The task has been completed unsuccessfully and will appear as red pin on the map and as red colored text in the completed category on the left.